Woodlines Newsletter July ’24 – looking forward to some ‘down time’

by | Jul 18, 2024 | News

Posted by Jo Hacking
18 July 2024

What do you have in mind as restorative time over the summer?

If you get out into the garden or any woodland you may notice that the birdsong of Spring has become less evident, and songbirds are visiting garden feeders less. After finishing with the hard work of surviving winter, competing for territory and all that the nesting season brings, most songbirds are approaching the next phase of the year. As August approaches adult birds will hide in the undergrowth, swap their more elaborate songs for the occasional “friend location” or alarm calls and start the process of moulting.

It’s time to focus on staying safe and shedding old feathers in order to emerge refreshed and ready for Autumn and the run up to winter.

We too are seasonal creatures. At the start of the Summer holiday season it’s important to consider what you have in store to “refresh your feathers”.

To accommodate summer leave requests it is common to end up working outside your usual pattern: perhaps swapping shifts or taking on additional duties. Batteries often run low as a result.

Now is the time to consider what you are looking forward to most over the summer, what will lift your spirits and give you joy.

It is also vitally important to allow for some proper “down-time”.

 What restorative time 
will you offer yourself? 
When you can safely lie low, 
shed your worn out feathers
To emerge freshly preened 
Fit for all life’s weathers?

And for the Autumn: Dates for the Diary…

1 day events:

Sept 10th Forest Bathing – 1 day wellness retreat near Salisbury
Book here

October 11th – Wellbeing focus day with garden mindfulness and pick your own bouquet Berkshire
Book here

Nov 8th – 1 day recharge retreat – Near Oxford
Book here

Doctor Only 4 day residential Retreats at Sheepdrove, Berkshire: 

Sept 23-26th 2024 (Limited spaces available)
Book here

May 12-16th 2025
Book here

Sept 15-18th 2025
Book here

And Woodlines revisited (Lake District) – June 9-12th 2025 – Details to follow

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